Find a Product

December 11th, 2019


Find_ProductTake a minute to review your notes on the products being offered thru Google AdWords. These were discovered during your Keyword Research phase. Look for similar products.

You are trying to choose at least 3 popular products available for promotion. This will provide your customers several choices, all leading to the sale.

  • Go back and look at your niche research sources again, this time with a focus on product.
  • Enter your Primary Keyword and click outside the box BEFORE clicking the links below. (Just trust me.)
  • Now, do Google searches for related affiliate programs by clicking the links below:
    • “affiliate program.”
    • “affiliate signup.”
    • “affiliate login.”
    • “Partner Programs.”
  • For digital products check out:
    • ClickBank, probably the best known network of it’s type, but be sure to look for products with:
      • Clickbank Gravity of 30+. (100+ is best) and a commission of at least $30.
      • good graphs at CBTrends.
    • Plimus, for generaly higher end and higher quality products.
    • DigiResults, run by Andy Fletcher. or
    • PayDotCom run by Mike Filsaime. or
    • run by Bobby Walker and Dave Guindon.
  • For physical products try:
    • Commision Junction., a large CPA network.
    • Share-A-Sale, also quite popular.
    • Performance-Based Affiliate Network specializes in ‘green’ eco-friendly products.
    • Amazon, the world’s largest on-line retailer, has nearly anything you could possibly need.
      • Sort through bestsellers by category to ensure people are actually buying the product.
        • Does it have 20+ comments or user reviews to gauge ‘buzz’?
        • Does it have a respectable rating? (4 or 5 stars.)
        • Does it sell for at least $100?
    • Join the eBay Partnership Network and refer people to eBay for a share of the sale.
    • The latest and fastest growing source of physical products is AliExpress out of Hong Kong.
    • And signup here for Alibaba.
  • Create the product yourself and really clean up, if you like.
    • A simple report to answer five bullet points about the problem in 10 pages or less:
      • Introduction.
      • Causes.
      • Outline Dangers.
      • Solution.
      • Conclusion.
  • If you have programming skills, create software apps with:
    • adobe air.
    • titanium.
    • uBot.

Now’s time for the last bit of planning research for your site.

It’s time to Select a Domain Name.