Nested Squeeze Page On Blog

December 29th, 2020


Here’s a tactic for generating a lot of leads from a blog.

I actually built my first list of 1,000 subscribers this way in the guitar niche before I even got into the internet marketing niche.

It’s so easy.

You take a blog and maybe your blog is generating 100, 200, 300 visitors per day because you’re cranking content out on a daily basis.

Even if you don’t try to target certain keywords on your site, it’s pretty easy to start generating 200 to 300 visitors per day just by cranking out content and ranking it for long tail search terms without even trying to, and actually only doing it.

So what you do is, you take your squeeze page in your niche, and you nest it at the top and center of that blog.

So before they actually see the blog site at the top of the page, they should see your squeeze page as it is.

You can nest it up there using an image and an opt in box, if you want.

That’s if you don’t want the test of the squeeze page to interfere with any other on page SEO that’s happening.

You’ll be surprised at the opt-in rate you can get from that.

Let’s say your site isn’t really an interactive site as much as you want it to be; it’s really difficult to get a site with a lot of interactivity.

Maybe your site just has a lot of traffic coming to it and doesn’t really have people interacting, so it doesn’t really matter if you put your squeeze page up there or not.

One of the best ways to generate leads from a blog is to nest a squeeze page front and center.

Another way is by using Robert Plank’s WordPress Plug-Ins.

One is called Action Opt-In.

This is where you can put an opt-in bar on your side bar that you go opt-in to.

Once they opt-in to it, the form will disappear and say, “Thanks for subscribing,” and keep the people on the blog they’re on.

One is Action Pop-Up, which is a fade in window that fades into your site and asks for the opt-in there in exchange for a freebie or whatever you’re offering.

The other is Action Comments, which is where if someone comments on your blog, they check a check box and it automatically subscribes them to your list.

You can get all three, I believe, in one purchase from Robert Plank if you go to or search on Google for Action Opt-In and you’ll probably find it.

He’s always updating that.

Now we move on to Tell A Friend.