WP Plugins
Plugins are the workhorses of the Word Press platform and are available to accomplish nearly any task you might have in mind.
Install plugins from your WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to Plugins >> Add New
- If you have the plugin in a .zip file on your computer:
- Click [Upload Plugin] and Browse to your .zip file directory
- Select the file and click [Install Now]
- Delete the file from your local computer (optional)
- If you want to search the WordPress Repository by Search terms
- Enter a keyword, author, or tag into the Search field and type [Enter] from your keyboard.
- Choose a Plugin that suits your needs.
- Click [Install Now], followed by OK, then click [Activate Plugin]
- Check to be sure any required setup forms are completed and updated
You may also Uninstall plugins from your WordPress Dashboard.
- Navigate to Plugins >> Installed Plugins
- Find the plugin you wish to delete
- Deactivate the plugin
- Delete the plugin
- Confirm the delete by clicking (Yes, Delete these files)
So, that’s fine you say. “I now know ‘HOW’ to install plugins in WordPress, but I have no idea about which plugins I need. There are literally thousands to choose from!”
I hear ya brother. The next few modules will lay that all out for you sister. Forward HO!