Content Creation Tools
As we have seen, there are many types of useful content for your site. Producing quality content yourself can be time consuming, and out-sourcing it can be expensive.
Various online and offline tools exist to aid in the creation of your content.
Let’s review some typical content and see what tools we might employ.
- Articles and Blog Posts may be
- aggregated from several sources or written by you.
- spun from existing material such as quality PLR articles. (DO NOT plagiarize!)
- provided by a Guest Blogger, or
- outsourced to someone else.
- Free Images may be found at
- Images may be edited or created with
- Videos may be found at YouTube, or created by using
- Various free and paid plug-ins available will create Curated material.
The primary content type you should use is the venerated article. People are drawn to your site to read about a problem, a solution, genesis, background, tips, recent events, updates about changes in conditions, etc.
These articles not only draw traffic, they will help pre-sell your visitor and get them ready to respond to a call-to-action somewhere.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures grab your visitor’s attention and direct it to where it needs to be. They also re-enforce and clarify your message.
You should try to have two pictures on every page. Visual images make your site more appealing.
To that end, the use of color is also very important. We all know that some colors seem to play well together while other combinations are simply ghastly. How can you know what colors to choose? Glad you asked. Canva offers a marvelous color wheel tool that works very well to choose pleasing color combinations.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, video is a mega-draw. Nothing draws attention and keeps visitors on your site like video these days.
The idea of content curation is to gather content from an outside source and distribute it to your audience after some careful filtering, sorting and editing. Aggregated content regarding articles was mentioned above, but aggregated and curated content can be nearly anything of interest that you find useful to readers.
Matt Cutts from Google claims that good curation will enhance and not hurt the S EO of your site. The key is to always curate from high quality sources, add your own thoughts and commentary, and focus on adding value.
Generally you don’t want to cite more than a 6-8 sentence snippet and you want your commentary to be 200-300+ words. This is called a single source curation. You’re citing a single source and you’re wrapping the cited content with your own thoughts or commentary.
These are but a few of the many sources and creation tools available for all kinds of valuable content that can be found on the web.
It is also important for S EO that your content, pages, and posts be provided with internal linking.